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Clarksburg High School Class of 1969

This photograph of the "Clarksburg Class of 1969"
was taken in August 1958 in front of the Clarksburg School.
Period of time was the summer session of
school between "cotton chopping" and "cotton picking".
 The second grade teacher was Mrs. Ludie Pritchard Meals.



Left to right:

First Row: Tommy Roark, Unknown, Jimmy Fronabarger,
unknown, Mary Stokes, unknown, unknown and unknown.

Second Row:  Unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown,
unknown, unknown, unknown, Shelia Grogan,  Sylvia Autry, and unknown.

Third Row: Ritchie Orr, Randy Meggs, unknown, unknown,
Travis Blakeman, unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown, unknown,
unknown, and unknown.

Miss Ludie Meals, second grade teacher, is in
the rear.

If anyone knows the names of the "unknown" class members,
please let me know.  Trying to remember these
names after 46 years is not easy.




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their family histories, photographs, family bibles, databases, and stories with "The Watchers".


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