Priestly Ezekiel Parker
1828 - 1906
Our little town is draped in
sadness at the death of our friend and brother, P.E. Parker, which
occurred at his late home on January 25th. Deceased was born in Orange
County, North Carolina, on June 10th, 1828, and moved soon after with his
parents, Dr. John and Sallie Parker, to West Tennessee where he spent his
long and useful life. His illness was of short duration, he having taken
pneumonia about one week before his death. He leaves his grief stricken
wife, Mrs. Joan F. (Joan Francis Murphy) and five sons, viz: Joe P.,
Sidney G. and Lewis J. Parker of Wildersville; Will R. Parker of San
Antonio, Texas, and Tom J. Parker of of Little Rock, Arkansas, and a host
of friends and relatives to mourn his loss. His was a long, useful, active
and energetic life and few men have impressed themselves so forcibly and
favorably as "Uncle Priest", as he was called by those who loved his
admirable traits of character. Only eternity can tell the good he has done
for this and adjoining counties. During his lifetime he sold goods at
Clarksburg, Huntingdon, Brodies Landing, and Wildersville, and during that
time he was continually doing good for his country. He professed religion
and joined the Baptist Church in 1898 and has lived a consistent Christian
life until death. While we mourn for Uncle Priest, we remember his noble
character, his devotion to duty, his long life of usefulness. Goodbye
huband, father, Christian brother and fellow citizen, may we meet again
beyond the grave. -- M.F.P. Wildersville, Tennessee, January 30, 1906
The Lexington Progress, Lexington, Henderson County, Tennessee. |