Family of Thomas WILLIAMS (1) & Harriet BLAIR Lucinda Ann married William JOHNSON, son of Stephen JOHNSON (1790-1857) & Mary KYTLE (1790-1880). Born on 13 Jan 1825 in South Carolina. At the age of 88, William died in Carroll County, Tennessee on 20 Oct 1913. Buried in 1913 in Blair Cemetery, Clarksburg, Carroll County, Tennessee. Resided in 13th District, Carroll County, Tennessee in 1850. Resided in Clarksburg, Carroll County, Tennessee in 1870. Resided in Clarksburg, Carroll County, Tennessee in 1880. Alias/AKA: "Bill". Military: Company G, 7th Tennessee Cavalry (US). Merchant at Clarksburg, Carroll County, Tennessee, in 1870 and 1880. They had the following children:
3. Amelia E. WILLIAMS. Born on 11 Sep 1830 in North Carolina. At the age of 58, Amelia E. died in Carroll County, Tennessee on 26 Jan 1889. Buried in 1889 in Blair Cemetery, Clarksburg, Carroll County, Tennessee. Resided in 13th District Carroll County, Tennessee in 1860. On 27 Sep 1849 when Amelia E. was 19, she married William Jackson HILLIARD, son of Rightman HILLIARD Junior (1799-1856) & Delany JONES (1803-1867). Born on 28 Jan 1827 in Madison County, Alabama. At the age of 73, William Jackson died in Carroll County, Tennessee on 11 Nov 1900. Buried in Nov 1900 in Blair Cemetery, Clarksburg, Carroll County, Tennessee. Resided in 13th District Carroll County, Tennessee in 1860. Alias/AKA: Member of Williams Chapel Church of Christ, Clarksburg, Carroll County, Tennessee. They had the following children:
4. William E. WILLIAMS. Born in 1835. Resided in 13th District, Carroll County, Tennessee in 1870. On 12 Dec 1865 when William E. was 30, he married Emeretta TOSH, daughter of John TOSH Junior (1802-) & Ellender SCOTT (1805-1860), in Carroll County, Tennessee. Born about 1842 in Tennessee. Religion: Member of Williams Chapel Church of Christ, Clarksburg, Carroll County, Tennessee. They had the following children:
5. Susan Jane WILLIAMS. Born on 19 Feb 1837. At the age of 54, Susan Jane died in Carroll County, Tennessee on 6 Feb 1892. Resided in 13th District, Carroll County, Tennessee in 1880. On 23 Sep 1856 when Susan Jane was 19, she married John Wesley LAWS, son of Hiram LAWS (1803-1879) & Jincy Ann SIMS (1807-1873). Born on 5 Feb 1831. At the age of 47, John Wesley died in Carroll County, Tennessee on 10 Mar 1878. Buried in 1878 in Sellers Hill Cemetery, Clarksburg, Carroll County, Tennessee. They had the following children:
6. Samuel W. WILLIAMS. Born on 27 Jan 1839 in Carroll County, Tennessee. At the age of 44, Samuel W. died in Carroll County, Tennessee on 8 Jan 1884. Buried in Jan 1884 in Blair Cemetery, Clarksburg, Carroll County, Tennessee. Religion: Member of Williams Chapel Church of Christ, Clarksburg, Carroll County, Tennessee. On 20 Aug 1867 when Samuel W. was 28, he married Susan Angeline TUCKER, daughter of Joseph H. TUCKER ( 1815-1890) & Naomi JOHNSON (1817-1884), in Carroll County, Tennessee. Born on 24 Nov 1851 in Carroll County, Tennessee. At the age of 72, Susan Angeline died in Greenfield, Weakley County, Tennessee on 24 Nov 1923. They had the following children:
7. Lorenzo F. WILLIAMS. Born in 1843 in Carroll County, Tennessee. At the age of 56, Lorenzo F. died in Lexington, Henderson County, Tennessee on 24 Jun 1899. Buried in Jun 1899 in Blair Cemetery, Clarksburg, Carroll County, Tennessee. Resided in 13th District, Carroll County, Tennessee in 1860. Religion: Member of the Williams Chapel Church of Christ, Clarksburg, Carroll County, Tennessee. Lorenzo F. Williams, farmer and citizen of the Twenty-fourth District, was born in Carroll County in 1843, and is the ninth in a family of ten children, six of whom are now living. The father, Thomas Williams, was born in North Carolina about 1795, and was of English ancestry. He received a good common-school and business education, and in 1817 married Harriet Blair. In about 1832 he immigrated to Carroll County and settled in the Thirteenth District, where his career ended. He was an active, industrious man, and at the time of his death, which occurred about 1848, was the owner of about 450 acres of land. The mother was also a native of North Carolina, born in 1809 and died about 1857. The father having died when Lorenzo was but a child, he was reared under the tender care of a mother's watchful eye. He received his education in the neighboring schools, and partly at Parker's Cross Roads in Henderson County. November, 1866, he married Caledonia McCall, a native of Carroll County, born in 1849, and the daughter of Dr. Henry and Frances McCall, of Clarksburg. Eight children were the result of our subject's marriage: Thomas H., Sidney H., Lorenzo P., Lizzie Frances, George W., Marietta, Bertha Mabel and John H. After marriage our subject settled in the Thirteenth District for one year and then removed to the farm on which he now resides, having owned it three different times. He was in the mercantile business for some time and also lived in Kentucky a year. He is now the owner of 160 acres of valuable land all well improved, three and a half miles northeast of Clarksburg. He is a liberal supporter of all charitable and religious institutions and a Democrat in politics, casting his first presidential vote for Horatio Seymour. He was formerly a member of the Masonic fraternity but is now demitted. Mr. and Mrs. Williams are both prominent members of the Christian Church and are much esteemed citizens. In Nov 1866 when Lorenzo F. was 23, he married Caledonia Isabell McCALL, daughter of Doctor Henry McCALL (1817-1880) & Rebecca Frances BOWLIN (1826-1887), in Clarksburg, Carroll County, Tennessee. Born on 4 Jul 1849 in Clarksburg, Carroll County, Tennessee. At the age of 72, Caledonia Isabell died in Lexington, Henderson County, Tennessee on 3 Jun 1922. Buried in Jun 1922 in Blair Cemetery, Clarksburg, Carroll County, Tennessee. Religion: Member of Williams Chapel Church of Christ, Clarksburg, Carroll County, Tennessee. Alias/AKA: "Callie". Obituary: In Memory: Callie Isabell McCall, daughter of the late Dr. Henry and Mrs. Frances McCall, was born at Clarksburg, Carroll County, July 4th, 1849, and as the widow of L.F. Williams, who died in Lexington in June, 1899, she passed to her final reward in the home of her son, John H. Williams, in Lexington, June 3rd., 1922. She was married to Mr. Williams at Clarksburg in November 1866, and of the nine children born to that union, five survive: Syd, Crawford, Arkansas; Elizabeth (Mrs. James Petty), Dyer County; Mary (Mrs. Herbert Roberts), Holly Springs, Mississippi; John H., Lexington and Iley, Memphis. She was a sister of the late Judge John E. McCall, Memphis, who died in Huntingdon, August 8th, 1920, Hon. George T. McCall, who ided in Huntingdon, January 28th, 1922; Dr. William McCall, who died 42 years ago at Hollow Rock Junction, and Joe McCall, who died in 1868. She is survived by two brothers and two sisters, Dr. P.H. McCall, Lexington, Hon. J.C.R. McCall, Nashville, Mrs. Jennie Scott and Mrs. Dr. James (Ella) Cox, Huntingdon. Forty-five years or more Mrs. Williams had been a member of the Christian Church. Prof. J.O. Brown, Lexington, and Elder Holland, Crockett County, officiated in the funeral service in the Blair Cemetery at Clarksburg in the presence of a very large assemblage of friends and relatives. They had the following children:
8. Evalenia Bell WILLIAMS. Born on 17 Jun 1849 in Carroll County, Tennessee. At the age of 38, Evalenia Bell died in Carroll County, Tennessee on 19 Sep 1887. Buried in Sep 1887 in Blair Cemetery, Clarksburg, Carroll County, Tennessee. Resided in 13th District, Carroll County, Tennessee in 1860. Resided in 15th District, Carroll County, Tennessee in 1870. Evalenia Bell married Arden Taylor JAMISON, son of Benjamin JAMISON (1816-1859) & Mary ? (1818-1913). Born on 3 Nov 1845. At the age of 70, Arden Taylor died in Carroll County, Tennessee on 23 Sep 1916. Buried in Sep 1916 in Blair Cemetery, Clarksburg, Carroll County, Tennessee. Resided in 15th District, Carroll County, Tennessee in 1870. They had the following children:
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