Obituary: Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Wilson, aged 69 years, 6 months and 18 days, departed this life April 8, 1914. The daughter of D.J. and Sarah Meals, she was of a family of eight children, four boys and four girls, all of whom preceded her to the grave except. C.W. Meals and Mrs. Jane Teague of Bargerton and Mrs. Tennessee Tracy of Oklahoma. She professed faith in Christ in her youthful days, was baptized by Rev. William Corbitt in the M.E. Church and lived a constant member until death. On December 20th, 1866, she was married to F.A. Wilson, who survives her. She was the mother of three children, one dying in infancy and two living, namely, Mrs. Sallie Holmes of Juno, and Mrs. Dora Holmes of Lexington. She was a faithful loving and considerate wife, being in deed and in truth a veritable helpmate, always ready with hands and counsel to succor her husband and many times her wise counsel has helped him over the rugged places in life. Her home was always a home for the ministers and other men of God. How often did she entertain the angels of mercy during their travels and labors. Funeral services were conducted by her pastor, Rev. Vincent Deshazo, at the residence on April 9th, after which the remains were interred in the Pleasant Hill graveyard. The services were attended by a large crowd of friends and relatives. --A Friend. Mary Elizabeth married Francis Ashbury WILSON, son of John WILSON & Sarah CATHEY. Born in 1842. At the age of 79, Francis Ashbury died in 1921. Buried in 1921 in Pleasant Hill Cemetery, Henderson County, Tennessee. They had the following children:
6. Columbus William MEALS. Born on 18 Jan 1847 in Henderson County, Tennessee. At the age of 81, Columbus William died in Henderson County, Tennessee in 1929. Buried in 1929 in Pleasant Hill Cemetery, Henderson County, Tennessee. Obituary: Columbus W. Meals was born January 18, 1847, on the same farm and near the spot on which he died January 27th, 1929. He was married in early manhood, to Miss Sallie Bobbitt, who survives him, and of the three children born to them, Lizzie died several years ago, and Jim of Tampa, Florida, and Ida (Mrs. J.H. Patton) of Henderson County, survive. Mr. Meals had long been declining in health from the infirmities of old age, hence his death was not unexpected. He lived in Lexington several years ago, was our neighbor and we have had more than ordinary interest in this family. He was a Methodist in faith, a Republican in politics and had been a hard-working, law-abiding citizen, a man who believed in meeting just obligations. The funeral was not held until Tuesday awaiting the arrival of the only son, Jim, from Tampa, Florida. Services were held by Rev. Warner Pafford and interment made in Independence Cemetery. Columbus William married Sallie BOBBITT, daughter of James A. BOBBITT & Mary M. LESSENBERRY. Born in 1854. At the age of 85, Sallie died in Henderson County, Tennessee on 18 Feb 1939. Buried in 1939 in Pleasant Hill Cemetery, Henderson County, Tennessee. Obituary: Mrs. Sallie Bobbitt Meals, widow of the late Columbus Meals, died at her home near Bargerton on February 18th, and was buried in the Pleasant Hill Cemetery the day following. Mrs. Meals was a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. J.A. Bobbitt, who lived in the community in which Mrs. Meals died, and she was a sister of the late W.A. Bobbitt, who was a Lexington merchant for several years. More than sixty years ago, she was married to Mr. Meals and to them were born three children -- Ida, Lizzie and Jimmie. Lizzie died at about the age of 17 years. Jimmie, who lived in Florida, contracted pneumonia when here to attend his father's funeral about five years ago, and Ida (Mrs. Henry Patton) is the only survivor. Mrs. Meals was a member of the Methodist Church, South, and Rev. R.B. Mackey, assisted by Rev. J.R. Page, conducted the funeral ceremony. They had the following children:
7. Andrew Johnson MEALS. Born on 21 Jan 1856. At the age of 44, Andrew Johnson died on 12 Apr 1900. Buried in 1900 in Pleasant Hill Cemetery, Henderson County, Tennessee. On 15 Dec 1880 when Andrew Johnson was 24, he married Narcissus Demarice PEELER, daughter of William R. PEELER & Mary F.. Born in 1859. At the age of 41, Narcissus Demarice died in 1900. Buried in 1900 in Pleasant Hill Cemetery, Henderson County, Tennessee. They had the following children:
8. Virginia Tennessee MEALS. Born on 30 Nov 1858 in Henderson County, Tennessee. At the age of 72, Virginia Tennessee died in Cheyenne, Roger Mills, Oklahoma on 23 Feb 1931. Alias/AKA: "Tennie". On 2 Jan 1881 when Virginia Tennessee was 22, she married John Bell TRACY, son of Nephthali TRACY (1810-1878) & Nancy Caroline SWINDLE (1830-1885), in Henderson County, Tennessee. Born on 20 Dec 1859 in Cedar Creek Landing, Perry County, Tennessee. At the age of 80, John Bell died in Cheyenne, Roger Mills, Oklahoma on 5 Mar 1940. They had the following children:
9. Daniel Sherman MEALS. Born on 28 Dec 1862 in Henderson County, Tennessee. At the age of 43, Daniel Sherman died in Whitesboro, Grayson, Texas on 13 Jan 1906. Daniel Sherman Meals and his wife, Henrietta Fletcher Peeler were in Whitesboro, Grayson County, Texas, when their youngest child, Opal, was born. The other siblings of Opal's were born in Juno, Henderson County, Tennessee. Whether or not William Henderson Meals and cousin Daniel Sherman Meals perhaps moved to Texas is uncertain at this time. On 24 Aug 1882 when Daniel Sherman was 19, he married Henrietta Fletcher PEELER, in Henderson County, Tennessee. Born on 11 Feb 1865 in Tennessee. At the age of 59, Henrietta Fletcher died in Whitesboro, Grayson, Texas on 31 Jan 1925. They had the following children:
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