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Family of Mary Elizabeth JOHNSON (9) & Robert JAMISON

30. Donie JAMISON. Born on 9 Oct 1867 in Clarksburg, Carroll County, Tennessee. At the age of 73, Donie died on 14 Feb 1941. Buried in 1941 in Blair Cemetery, Clarksburg, Carroll County, Tennessee.

In 1895 when Donie was 27, she married Doctor Daniel B. Homer McGILL, son of Elihu Taylor McGILL (1825-1904) & Sarah A. MEALS (1826-1894). Born on 3 Jul 1857 in Henderson County, Tennessee. At the age of 84, Daniel B. Homer died in Clarksburg, Tennessee on 30 Oct 1941. Buried in 1941 in Blair Cemetery, Clarksburg, Carroll County, Tennessee. Resided in Clarksburg, Carroll County, Tennessee in 1880. Occupation: Physician at Clarksburg, Carroll County, Tennessee.

Dr. Homer McGill and Donie were active in the community. Dr. McGill wanted to get a high school in Clarksburg. Donie told Thomas Wilson it was not good to bring up children in a town where there was no church. This suggestion received a responsive hearing from Christians who had been meeting with Church of Christ members in the rural communities and a small group began meeting in the old school house in Clarksburg. In 1916 when the new brick high school was built the church bought the old school house and Dr. McGill was appointed one of its trustees.

Obituary: Dies at Clarksburg: Last rites for Dr. H.D. McGill, 84, one of the state's most widely known physicians, were conducted at the Clarksburg Church of Christ Sunday afternoon with Bro. W.L. Denton of Holladay officiating. Dr. McGill died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. R.B. Wilson, at Clarksburg, Thursday night following a three week's illness. He was one of the state's oldest practicing physicians in line of service having practiced medicine for sixty-three years. He began practice at the age of 21 years. The son of the late Sarah Meals and E.T. McGill, Dr. McGill was born in Henderson County on July 3, 1857. His early education was received at Huntingdon schools and he was graduated from the old Nashville School of Medicine, now the University of Tennessee. He opened practice at McLemoresville but soon moved to Clarksburg, where he was practicing at the time of his death. He received graduate work in homeopathics at the St. Louis University. Survivors include four daughters, Mrs. J.D. Tilson, Sr., of Lexington; Mrs. R.B. Wilson, Clarksburg; Mrs. Joe Netherland, Murfreesboro, and Mrs. J.W. Dunn of Tupelo, Mississippi; one sister, Miss Mary McGill of Clarksburg; and a brother, A.S. McGill, Camden. Burial was in the Blair Cemetery at Clarksburg.

H. D. McGill, M.D., was born in Henderson County, Tenn., in 1858 and is one of a family of eight children born to E. T. and Sarah (Meals) McGill. The father was born in Giles County, October, 1825 and was of Scotch-Irish extraction. He was reared on a farm by a Mr. William Legg, of Alabama, and had no advantages for an education. In 1849 he was married and December of the same year removed to Henderson County. He was engaged in the mercantile business for many years at Metropolis, Huntingdon and other places and also dealt somewhat largely in cotton. In 1870 he went to Nashville and engaged in the cotton business there for McCray & Co. He is now acting as traveling salesman for a firm in Cincinnati, Ohio. Our subject received a good academia education and finished at Nashville. In 1875 he began the study of medicine under Dr. J. B. Stephens, of Nashville, and in 1877 entered Nashville Medical College and graduated from this institution in 1878. He soon located at McLemoresville and practiced there two years, after which he came to Clarksburg and has continued there ever since. In 1884 and 1885 he attended a course of lectures at the University of Tennessee where he graduated in 1885. Since his residence at Clarksburg he has established an extensive and lucrative practice and is fast becoming one of the most popular and successful physicians of the county. January 12, 1881, he married Gracie McDowell, daughter of Rev. J. L. and M. S. McDowell. Mrs. McGill died September 29, 1885, leaving three small children: Arthur, Maggie May and Gracie M. Mrs. McGill was a consistent member of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, a fond parent and a true companion. Our subject is a Republican in politics and cast his first presidential vote for Gen. Garfield.

They had the following children:
i. Homer Guy. Born on 12 Apr 1892. At the age of 2, Homer Guy died on 19 Mar 1895. Buried in 1895 in Blair Cemetery, Carroll County, Tennessee.

ii. Edith Adelle. Born on 11 Sep 1899. Buried in Blair Cemetery, Carroll County, Tennessee.

iii. Paul Deering. Born on 12 Apr 1901 in 13th District, Carroll County, Tennessee. Paul Deering died in 13th District, Carroll County, Tennessee on 4 Oct 1901.

81 iv. Florence Nell (1896-)
82 v. Sara Elizabeth

31. Ben H. JAMISON. Born on 1 Aug 1870. At the age of 42, Ben H. died on 15 Mar 1913. Buried in Mar 1913 in Oak Hill Cemetery, Huntingdon, Carroll County, Tennessee.

Owned a dry goods store in Huntingdon, Carroll County, Tennessee.

Ben H. married Maymie CLOPTON. Born on 23 Dec 1880. At the age of 89, Maymie died on 4 Jul 1970. Buried in Jul 1970 in Oak Hill Cemetery, Huntingdon, Carroll County, Tennessee.

They had one child:
i. Theresa Bernard. Born on 16 Jan 1908. At the age of 2, Theresa Bernard died on 23 Jun 1910. Buried in Jun 1910 in Oak Hill Cemetery, Huntingdon, Carroll County, Tennessee.

32. Eva JAMISON. Born in 1887. At the age of 34, Eva died in 1921. Buried in 1921 in Fulton, Kentucky.

On 26 Oct 1904 when Eva was 17, she married Hubert Knight BENNETT, in Carroll County, Tennessee. Born on 19 Apr 1883.

They had one child:
83 i. Charles Robert (1909-)

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