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Family of Donie JAMISON (30) & Doctor Daniel B. Homer McGILL

81. Florence Nell McGILL. Born on 1 Jul 1896. Buried in Blair Cemetery, Carroll County, Tennessee. Resided in Murfreesboro, Tennessee in 1941. Resided in Miami, Dade County, Florida in 1970.

Florence Nell married Joe L. Netherland, a Church of Christ minister. They had two children: Joseph Homer and Mary Frances. Joseph lived in Murfreesboro, and Mary Frances Preidus lived in Palm Bay, Florida.

Florence Nell married Joe Lafayette NETHERLAND. Born on 18 Dec 1889 in Fulton, Kentucky. At the age of 51, Joe Lafayette died on 23 Jan 1941. Buried in 1941 in Blair Cemetery, Carroll County, Tennessee. Religion: Church of Christ Minister.

They had the following children:
185 i. Joseph Homer (1916-)
186 ii. Mary Frances (1924-)

82. Sara Elizabeth McGILL. Resided in Clarksburg, Carroll County, Tennessee in 1941.

Sara remained in Carroll County. She graduated from Clarksburg High School in 1924. She finished at David Lipscomb College in Nashville which at that time was a two year college. In 1928, she married Robert Burton Wilson, a medical student in the University of Tennessee at Memphis.

Sara Elizabeth married Doctor Robert Burton WILSON, son of Thomas L. WILSON (1869-1965) & Frances Ione BURTON (1872-1953). Alias/AKA: "Bob".

Dr. Wilson was reared on a farm about three miles east of Clarksburg on the Clarksburg-Yuma Road. When he finished medical school, he began his practice with Dr. Homer McGill, his father-in-law in Clarksburg. He practiced there for 15 years. In 1946, he purchased the office of the late Dr. Virgil Massey and moved to Huntingdon. He later built the Wilson Clinic on East Paris Street. This clinic was later converted into the Wilson Clinic. The Clinic later had four doctors: Dr. Wilson, Dr. Jerry Atkins, Dr. Scott Portis and Dr. James Williamson. Dr. Wilson served on the Huntingdon School Board and on the Advisory Board of the Freed-Hardeman College in Henderson, Tennessee. Dr Wilson was a graduate of the University of Tennessee Medical School in Memphis, Tennessee. Dr. Wilson had the confidence of his peers in South Carroll County, Tennessee. His first baby delivery was twins - Aline and Carline Burgess. He was one of the country doctors who provided on site services. He was on the road in all kinds of weather - did not make any difference what time of day or night. Mrs.. Lillie Whitehorn Crider provided me her personal experience with Doctor Wilson. Ms. Lillie was sick and was living about four miles Southwest of Clarksburg -now the Roans Creek Road. She had a life threatening illness. Eyewitnesses said they would see Doctor Wilson come down the road in his old car - visit for a little while with Ms. Lillie - then return to Clarksburg. In about an hour, he would make the return the trip. This went on throughout the entire day and night. Finally, Ms. Lillie pulled through and lived to be in her late eighties.

My grandfather, Jessie Pendergrass, told me his children were sick. He lived about four miles West of Clarksburg on the Jackson Clarksburg Road. He sent for Doctor Wilson - this was during the period of the 30s and 40s. The roads were improved dirt roads, actually impassable in the winter for cars and for horses and wagons for that matter. Dr. Wilson came out in the night. On the way, he got mired in the mud. My grandfather harnessed his mules and pulled Dr. Wilson and car to the house behind his mules. Doctor Wilson's office in Clarksburg was located in the house which is now located (1998) between the Oma's Antik Haus store and The Clarksburg Supermarket.

They had one child:
187 i. Rebecca Frances (Adopted)

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